Some Tech you may not Know the existence

    There are some technologies that you may not know whether they exist or not. In this article I’ve given some techs you have to know that they exist in this world. Some of them listed below here,

  • Non Pneumatic tyres
  • Drones in Military
  • Hyperloop Technology
  • DNA data Storage
  • Bionics

1. Non Pneumatic tyres

    For more than 100 years, vehicles have been rolling along on cushions of air encased in rubber. 

            Here we are going to discuss about the development of airless tyres, something that has become more prevalent in the past few years. 

            A few tyre companies have started experimenting with designs for non-pneumatic tyres including Michelin and Bridgestone, but neither design has made it to mass production.

            There is also an environmental benefit to using this type of tyre. Since they never go flat and can be retreaded, airless tyres will not have to be thrown away and replaced nearly as often as pneumatic tyres. 

            Because of the benefits, I believe that it is extremely important that research and production of airless tyres is continued and increased.

2. Drones in Military

    An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that is used for intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and reconnaissance and carries aircraft ordnance such as missiles, ATGMs, and/or bombs in hardpoints for drone strikes. 

            These drones are usually under real-time human control, with varying levels of autonomy. Unlike unmanned surveillance and reconnaissance aerial vehicles, UCAVs are used for both drone strikes and battlefield intelligence.


            Aircraft of this type have no onboard human pilot. As the operator runs the vehicle from a remote terminal, equipment necessary for a human pilot is not needed, resulting in a lower weight and a smaller size than a manned aircraft. 

            Many countries have operational domestic UCAVs and many more have imported armed drones or have development programs underway.

3. Hyperloop Technology

    The Hyperloop is a proposed mode of passenger and freight transportation, first used to describe an open-source vactrain design released by a joint team from Tesla and SpaceX. 

            Hyperloop is described as a sealed tube or system of tubes with low air pressure through which a pod may travel substantially free of air resistance or friction. 

            The Hyperloop could potentially convey people or objects at airline or hypersonic speeds while being energy efficient compared with existing high-speed rail systems. 

            This, if implemented, may reduce travel times compared to train and airplane travel over distances of under approximately 1,500 kilometres (930 miles).


4. DNA data Storage  


        Cloud software firm DOMO found that more than 280,000 Instagram stories were posted per minute in 2019. It’s no surprise that we are facing a severe data shortage problem, which will only worsen in the coming decade.

            According to Megan Scudellri’s Inner Workings: DNA for data storage and computing, DNA helices are easy to amplify and modify, and are generally quite stable.

            DNA is made up of four chemical bases–adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine–which can be encoded into four different pieces of information instead of two, as is seen in traditional binary silicon systems. 


            This means that DNA can store more data compared to the classic silicon chip. 

            Scientists are diligently exploring the feasibility of DNA storage. Named by TIME as one of the best inventions of 2019, Catalog–the biotech startup behind DNA Data Writer, prints data on synthetic strands of DNA. 

            It has successfully stored 16 gigabytes of English Wikipedia text onto a DNA strand, which is a promising start for the technology. 

5. Bionics

     Researchers today are developing bionic limbs that far surpass traditional prostheses, allowing for better movement and, in the case of the bionic hand, even granting the user a sense of touch. 


            The Bionic Leg, developed by researchers from the University of Utah, features force and torque sensors, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. 


            The corresponding computer processor uses AI to determine the user’s rhythms, motions, step length, and walking speed. 


            It activates motors that power the leg, providing a push that makes it easier to walk upstairs and navigate obstacles, significantly reducing the strain on the body. 

            Bionics is a game-changer for the prosthetics industry. Leg prosthetics are heavy and don’t adequately take the pressure off the leg stump, making it difficult for the body to walk for long periods. 

           Also, many people abandon hand prosthetics due to the sheer frustration of operating a body part with no sense of touch. 


            When produced on a large scale, the technology could dramatically elevate the quality of life for amputees and those in need of artificial limbs.


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