Spending some Beautiful time effectively in this lockdown - Shafik

Being Healthy is a big challenge for lazy human, so we have to intensively practice the beautiful things, which makes us happy and keeps our smiles alive. So don’t be lazy.

Here the million dollar questions listed below which doesn’t pay you a single dollar but keeps on rolling with our minds.

  1. What to do during quarantine ?

  2. How to spend time effectively in quarantine ?

  3. When does the lockdown end ?

  4. When do the colleges reopen ?

  5. Productive things to do in quarantine ?

Unfortunately, I don’t have answers for all the questions but we all can work together to get a solution for some by staying inside the house, maintaining proper social distance, and wearing masks.

#stay_home #staysafe.

In this article I’ve given some tips for you to spend the time effectively during this lockdown.

There are some ways in which we can spend the time effectively,

  1. Making ourselves active by waking up early

  2. Read some books/ Articles

  3. Do Some courses on internet

  4. Gain some skills Make money with it

  5. Listen to Music

  6. Watch some interesting movies when you feel tired of doing things

These are some of them I can prefer you and these all are my opinions on spending time effectively. If you have any opinion with this topic feel free to contact us.

1.       Making ourselves active by waking up early

Initially, early morning wakeups are a good deal to make our day more active. In my routine, I've just started to wake up early in order to make my day more active. I suggest that you wake up early in the morning and do some stretches, drink some water. Due to the lockdown on our streets, we can use our top floor to walk sometime and relax there, because I don't have the top floor to relax but you have so spent some time walking there it gives you a fresh breeze on your face and fresh air for your lungs.

2. Read some books/ Articles

            As I'm an article writer I prefer you to read my article just kidding.  Try to improve your reading skills because we are the generation who fails to read and always prefer to watch videos and listen to them. I'm not telling you to read all the time but for some time you have to take some time to read. Read some storybooks other than your academic books. I know some of them to belong to my category who prefers to get the content from friends other than throwing them. I can understand your thoughts even though you can try to read them.

3. Do Some courses on the internet

            I know it is hard to spend some time studying while we are on leave but if you fail to do this kind of stuff you may feel hard to concentrate on your studies after the lockdown is over I’m not saying that you cannot able to concentrate on them I'm saying that you have to take some time to come back to your studies. Another thing is some of them have some interest in doing some courses on the internet but they don’t know how to start them. I prefer them, they can study courses on some websites like Coursera, EDX, Udemy, Nptel, etc. some of them need certification to use the course in their career, for such people they have to spend some bucks to buy certificates. I'm telling you about my experience. I've done some courses on Coursera but I can't afford them for the certification so I've searched on the web and at last I've found that there is a program called Financial Aid. Through this program, they offer you the course for free if our reason is valid so you can also follow them. If you want to know how to apply for financial aid, comment below.

4. Gain some skills Make money with it

            You know that already there are plenty of skills available across the globe but you have to choose them based on your interest and I prefer you to choose the skill which brings you some bucks for your pocket. Some people have more interest in drawing so that they can refer to videos on youtube about how to draw a portrait image with the help of a pencil, and try to make some money with your skill, I've seen that there are some persons who have lots of skills but they don’t know how to make money with them. So I prefer that you search how to earn money with the skills you have and make some money with it. Don't waste your talent.

5.    Listen to Music

            Music gives some peace to ourselves so listen to some music made by your favourite musician or music band. I’ve always listened to happy music when I feel depressed and came up with a plan to overcome depression. My favourite music director is AR. Rahman. His melodies make my heart melt. Sometimes I prefer to listen to some ilayaraja’s melodies.

6. Watch some interesting movies when you feel tired of doing things

            I'm saying this in the end because all of you might get tired easily after doing some stuff which is said above. I can feel you because doing these things may seem impossible for someone so I prefer them to choose this choice because they may have some interest in making some short films and some big films so that they can refer some points while seeing more films and they can get inspiration at any point while watching the film so I recommend them to watch and make films and also they have to know how to commercialize them in order to give chance to their passion without getting ignored by their family.


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